35 Year Old Male with Pedal Oedema and Shortness of Breath

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome. 

Here's a case that I have seen - 

A 35 year old labourer, a father of two, presented to the OPD with the complaints of pedal oedema (upto the ankle) facial puffiness and abdominal discomfort since 3 days. 
He was apparently assymptomatic 3 months back. Then he developed pedal oedema for the first time for which he visited the RMP who prescribed Torsemide. The oedema subsided after taking the medication. The patient got the confidence that it will decrease everytime after taking the medication so he continued consuming alcohol and taking that medicine everytime he got developed oedema (3-4 times according to the patient and more than that according to the attender) 
The pedal oedema was bilateral, gradual in onset, non-progressive, pitting type, non-tender.
The pedal oedema was followed by facial puffiness.
He has H/O chest trauma on the right side of the chest 1 month back (He fell from the bike after consuming alcohol) after which he developed chest pain on the right side of the chest and palpitations on and off. 
He last consumed alcohol 5 days ago after which he developed pedal oedema and facial puffiness again. He even developed abdominal discomfort and shortness of breath at rest. He visited the RMP again who advised him to go to Kamineni, Narketpally. 
Past History - 
Patient had a perianal abscess 5 years ago. 
He had painful defecation associated with pain in the perianal region, foul smelling stools and pus discharge in stools. No H/O blood stained stools. The patient visited the RMP for this as well and it subsided with the medication given by the RMP. Patient developed similar complaints 3 days ago. 
Not a known case of Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Epilepsy, Asthma, Tuberculosis, CVA, CAD 

Personal History - 
Mixed diet 
Normal appetite 
Adequate sleep 
Regualr Bowel and Bladder Movements

Regular intake of alcohol since the past 10 years and chewing on tobacco since the past 3 years. 
The patient dropped out of school after finishing 9th standard due to financial troubles and started working at a tiles factory. The patient got married early at the age of 21 years. He started consuming alcohol 10 years ago at the age of 25 years due to peer pressure from his friends. He started by drinking 5ml of sara which gradually increased to 90ml of whiskey and then quarter bottle of whiskey everyday. The patient started chewing tobacco 3 years ago as he feels relieved on chewing tobacco after a tough day at work. He consumes 1-2 packets everyday. 
The patient tried to stop consuming alcohol 1 month ago due to pedal oedema and maintained abstinence for 15-20 days by using some herbal medication but was unsuccessful. 
The patient last consumed alcohol 5 days ago on Monday before he got hospitalized. He consumed 3 quarters of whiskey on Monday (As he was visiting his different groups of friends) 

O/E Patient is Conscious, Coherent and Cooperative 
Moderately Built, Moderately Nourished. 

There is no Pallor, Icterus, Cyanosis, Lymphadenopathy. 
Clubbing is present (Grade II)
Bilateral Pedal Oedema is present. Pitting type. 

Vitals - 
Patient is Afebrile 
BP - 130/80 mmHg 
PR - 102 BPM, Regular 
RR - 22 CPM 

Systemic Examination- 

Cardiovascular System

No visible apex beat
No visible pulsations
JVP is raised. 

Apex beat felt at the 5th intercostal space medial yo mid-clavicular line
Parasternal heave present
No thrills

S1, S2 Heard. No murmurs 

Respiratory System - 
Bilateral air entry present. Normal vesicular breath sounds. 

Per Abdomen - 
Soft, Non- Tender. No organomegaly 

Central Nervous System - No abnormality detected

Investigations - 
2D Echo - 
Right Atrial and Right Ventricular Dilatation
Mildly dilated pulmonary artery 
Ejection fraction - 60% 
ECG - 

USG Abdomen - Gall Bladder Wall thickening of 6mm

X-Ray Chest - 

 Treatment Given - 
1. Tab. Rampiril 2.5mg PO/OD 
2. Inj. Lasix 40mg IV/BD 
3. Inj. Thiamine 1 amp in 100ml NS 
4. Inj. Pantop 40mg IV/OD 
6. Tab. Neuben plus PO/OD 
7. Salt and Fluid Restriction 

Diagnosis - 
1. Idiopathic Pulmonary Artery Hypertension 
2. Right Heart Failure with preserved Ejection Fraction 
3. Alcohol Use Disorder 


  1. Very well written doctor!
    Very informative,
    After reading your blog, I've decided to become a doctor! :)


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